My Boys
It’s wordless Wednesday…These are my boys, I love them with all my heart…no more words really needed for this one…see you at the Thursday Favorite Things hop tomorrow! linking to Sarah…
Life and family stories, bible , gardening and topics of interest shared at Katherines Corner a popular blog for women. Written by the Reverend Katherine
It’s wordless Wednesday…These are my boys, I love them with all my heart…no more words really needed for this one…see you at the Thursday Favorite Things hop tomorrow! linking to Sarah…
I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. Our Christmas was lots of fun and it was filled with laughter, happy memory making and way to much food. I have gained 7 pounds…
We have a tradition at our house for our Christmas eve meal. Pizza! That’s right I have served pizza for Christmas eve dinner since the mid 80’s. It’s a fun…
Wordless Wednesday I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.Happy Boxing Day to my UK friends! Â I can’t wait to read your posts at the Thursday Favorite Things hop tomorrow!
Wishing you untold blessings, unseen angels and unexpected gifts. Merry Christmas sweet souls! I will be taking a couple of days away from the computer to make happy memories. I’ll be…
I love to give gifts. My monthly giveaways at Katherine Corner always brings me joy. Thank you to all who participated and helped to promote the Happy Holidays giveaway. It was my most popular giveaway to date! Using…
Wordy wordless Wednesday. A few of the packages are ready for  giving to my friends. I didn’t do anything to fancy. Do you recognize the gift tags ? They were the printables…
Yippee, we have snow!!! I hadn’t plan to post today. But, I could not contain my excitement and I wanted to share with you. A peek from our front door….