Five Great Things To Make With Oatmeal
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Five Great Things To Make With Oatmeal

Five Great Things To Make With Oatmeal- I eat oatmeal about twice a week and I often add frozen blueberries, strawberries or fresh cut apples to mine.I put the fruit in the bowl and pour the hot oatmeal over the top. I add chopped apples and add a dash of cinnamon. How do you prepare…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Seventy Seven

Make It Monday Week Seventy Seven Happy Monday! I hope you all enjoyed a lovely weekend and a happy Thanksgiving. I’m still full! I was tickled to see that almost half of you stopped by and linked up. Thank you for including the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop in your holiday week. Today’s Make It Monday Week Seventy…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Sixty Eight

Make It Monday Week Sixty Eight A new week of possibilities ahead dear friends.  I think these inspirations shared at last week’s Thursday Favorite Things blog hop will start your week off with a smile. Lets get right to the features for Make It Monday Week Sixty Eight. I think there is something for everyone. Cherishing A…

fresh green beans and mushrooms recipe
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Fresh Green Beans Recipe

Fresh Green Beans Recipe- We have been harvesting green beans at a frantic pace these days. Beautiful dark green fresh veggies from the garden are so wonderful and filled with flavor. We have so many we have been sharing with family and friends. I plan to freeze a bunch this year too (fingers crossed they…

make it monday week 54 katherines corner
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Make It Monday on Tuesday

Make It Monday on Tuesday I know it may seem silly to have Make It Monday on Tuesday. But, with the holiday I didn’t want any of the lovely features to be missed. I wish I could feature every single one of your fantastic blog posts. I was happy to see so much participation with…

greatest snow on earth
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Greatest Snow On Earth

Greatest Snow On Earth This morning I watched the meteorologist on our local television station as she expounded on the frigid weather across the Unites States. So many poor souls inundated by ice storms, blizzards, winds chilling to the bone and snowdrifts so high they can’t open their doors! Here in Utah, our state license…