happy birthday america
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Happy Birthday America

Here in the United States we’ll be celebrating America’s birthday with parades, barbecues and a long weekend. A lot of us will most likely be barbecuing or “picnicking”, is that even a word? I grabbed some terrific posts from yesterday’s TFT party and added a couple of my own to share with you. I think…

confetti chicken thursday favorite things blog hop
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Confetti Chicken Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop

Confetti Chicken and the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop- Welcome to our wonderful weekly party. Grow your blog with us and make new bloggy friends too. If you saw my live broadcast on facebook ( thank you) you know I mentioned a very simple recipe I call confetti chicken. I only snapped a quick photo…

winning recipes of the you cook it challenge
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Winning Recipes of the You Cook It Challenge

Winning Recipes of the You Cook It Challenge- Marilyn from Marilyns Treats and Beverly from Eclectic Red Barn met my “you cook it challenge”. I know you will enjoy their twist on my recipes. These winning recipes from the You Cook It Challenge will add a healthy dinner and yummy dessert perfect for your meal planning. Dinner tonight…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Ninety Two

Make It Monday Week Ninety Two- Welcome to Make It Monday Week Ninety Two- I hope you all enjoyed a nice Easter weekend. Spring is officially here and we had the egg hunt outside! We were busy having fun and making memories. So photography was an after thought.But our granddaughter took this one with her phone when…