strawberry smoothies low fat recipe

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  1. It’s so nice to see you back Katherine, with this smoothie recipe on Fresh Food Friday! you are so lucky that you still have (abundant) strawberries! Thanks for sharing and I hope that you’ll stop by again with another delicious recipe post this weekend! Hugs back!

  2. oh yummy. i love smoothies. so easy to make and sure to please. i bet my kids would love ’em too. thanks for sharing. hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  3. Katherine, yum and with your own strawberries!! I love smoothies.

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  4. Hi Katherine,

    I often make fruit smoothies, especially in summer – it is sometimes all you need for lunch.
    Hope that you are having a lovely week


  5. This beats soda pop every time, Katie. I wish more kids would realize it. I have loads of strawberries at my place, too. They’re large and consistently perfect, the best crop I’ve seen in quite a while.

  6. I love smoothies!! A frozen cut up banana and some peaches…and a little peach juice if you use canned peaches…makes a great smoothie. If you do it with just the frozen banana and a cup of milk it is WONDERFUL too! Even without sugar! Just use a ripe frozen banana.

  7. July is almost here, and the summer heat is coming! These smoothies look like they would be a very cool and refreshing treat. Thanks for sharing!

  8. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Smoothies! That is my go-to drink when I’m hungry, yet not quite hungry! Filling and refreshing all at the same time! ~Hugs, M

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