Peaches and Cream cake
Hello friends, this recipe is a sweet and light dessert perfect for after a meal on a warm weather day. Hmmm… does it feel like you are leaning when you look at the photos? Not to worry it is not you, it is the glass plate stand which isn’t level. A factory flaw that I can live with since the plate was about $5. Hoping it doesn’t distract from this yummy treat.
NOTE-This recipe requires refrigeration midway and prior to completing. If you are on a restricted sugar diet please see Katie’s Tid Bits below*

What You Need For Cake
8 Eggs room temperature
2 Cups sugar* divided
1 Cup cake flour (not all purpose)
1-1/4 tsp. Cream of tartar
11/2 tsp Vanilla extract
Pinch of salt (about 1/4 teaspoon salt) optional
2 -9 inch round spring form cake pans or 1-10 inch bundt (tube) pan
Nonstick cooking spray
Large stainless mixing bowl
2 Large mixing bowl
Electric mixer
Rubber spatula
Wire cooling rack
Before You Start- Preheat oven to 350°, prepare cake pan by spraying inside bottom and sides lightly with nonstick cooking spray. Separate eggs and place egg whites in a large bowl, set aside. Store the egg yolks in your fridge for breakfast or another recipe; you only need the egg whites for this spongey cake. Place an empty bowl (stainless works best) into the refrigerator to chill.
Lets Make It! In a large mixing bowl, sift 1 cup sugar and flour together. Add cream of tartar, salt and vanilla extract to the egg white bowl. Using an electric mixer beat on medium speed until soft peaks form. Increase speed to high and gradually add remaining sugar (about 2 tablespoons at a time) beating until stiff peaks form. Using a large spoon or rubber spatula gradually fold in flour mixture, about 1/2 cup at a time. Spoon into prepared cake pan, do not pour. Using a knife cut through batter several times to remove the air pockets, this will allow it to rise light and spongy. Bake on center rack for 35-45 minutes or until lightly browned (it will appear dry). Remove from oven and release spring and place on wire cake rack to cool for about 90 minutes, or invert bundt/tube immediately onto wire cooling rack. Prepare filling and coating about 1 hour into your cake cooling time.

What You Need For Filling and coating
4 Cups peaches (skinned, pitted and diced) reserve a few slices for garnish/ optional
1 Cup sugar *
3 Cups whipping cream ( see recipe below)
3 tsp. Vanilla extract
2 tsp Confectioner sugar*
1 1/2 Tbsp. Cornstarch
Small bowl
Large mixing bowl
Medium mixing bowl
Electric mixer
Before You Start- In a small bowl stir together corn starch and 4 Tbsp. of water mix well to dissolve and set aside.
Lets Make It! In a saucepan combine peaches, 1/2 cup of water and sugar, stir to combine. Heat over medium-high heat until you achieve a low boil (about 3-4 minutes) peaches will start to soften. Add prepared corn starch and stir to combine. Bring back to a boil stir gently and reduce heat to low and simmer 5-10 minutes, or until peaches are soft and very little to no liquid remains. Remove from heat and let cool about 10 minutes. Place in the refrigerator to cool for 25 minutes.
Cut cooled cake into four equal circles by running a knife horizontally and carefully into the side and turning the cake slowly to cut through and repeat.
Add cream, vanilla and confectioner sugar to your prepared chilled bowl. Using your electric mixer, beat on medium high until whipped topping holds a soft peak. Do not over beat!
Remove about a third of the whipped topping and fold in the cooled peaches. Place first cake layer on a serving plate and spread peach and cream topping mixture evenly, repeat on three layers. Spread the remaining whipped topping onto the top layer and sides. Serve immediately or place in freezer for up to 15 minutes.
Katie Tid Bits* if you are on a low sugar diet replace sugar with sugar substitute (equal parts) and make sugar free confectioner sugar following the simple recipe below.
How to make confectioner sugar substitute– 2 parts sugar substitute to one part cornstarch, grind in food processor until a fine powder forms.
How to check for peaks-Lift the beater or whisk up slowly and watch how the cream or batter moves and look for a peak shape, soft peaks will look like an ocean wave- stiff peaks will look like mountain peaks with a curved bend on the top and they should stay up without falling.
Will you try my Peaches and Cream Dessert ?
The Summer Issue of Ruby For Women is out CLICK HERE to read.
I hope to see you at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. You can start linking up tomorrow at 7PM (MST)

A peach cake?! Oh my this looks amazing!
Thank you Jane I hope you will give it a try. It’s light and a really nice dessert for a summer meal too. Hugs!
Oh my goodness Katherine this peaches and cream dessert looks heavenly and so light, fluffy, moist and delicious. Pinning and sharing, of course!
I’m in love with this! Thank you for sharing this with us! Pinned and tweeted! I hope to see you at tonight’s party. We are always so impressed with your creations and can’t wait to see them! Lou Lou Girls
This looks delicious, a perfect summer cake.
What a beautiful cake… it looks so moist and flavorful! Yum.
Oh my! It looks and sounds heavenly. Pinning to make! Thank you for sharing
Yum! I love cakes with in season fruit in them. They make the perfect light dessert for the summer season.
This looks perfect, so yummy
This looks absolutely delicious! Peaches and cream is the perfect summer flavor too! ~Ree
Thank you, I hope you will give it a try xo
What a beautiful cake! I didn’t even notice the tilting cake stand – until you mentioned it. Guess I’m already off tilter! Thank you so much for coming over and sharing your recipe with us at Brag About It!
giggle, thank you my friend. xo
This sounds delicious and I don’t even like peaches. LOL
I think you may change your mind with this cake. It’s really light and airy. I also make it with strawberries if you want to substitute the peaches for strawberries. xo
Oh wow this looks wonderful! Peaches & Cream is an awesome combination. Thank you for sharing! See you tonight at Thursdays Fav Things!
Thank you, I hope it’s something you will try. Hugs!!
Wow, this looks so yummy and huge peach lover. Thanks for sharing Katie and hope to try here soon xoxo
Janine, I know if you like peaches you will like this dessert. xoxo
This looks divine! Yummmmmm! Pinned!
Thank you my friend. I hope you will enjoy it as much as we did. xo