Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 199
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 199-
I can’t wait to see what you link up this week. But before we dive in I would like to take a moment to mention that next week will be 200th Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop! Can you believe it. I appreciate each and everyone of you who take time out of your day to share every week, it is the reason we will be celebrating. Next week, the co hostesses and I have some fun surprises in store. So please be sure to mark you calendar and link up and share, the more the merrier! Okay, now on to my favorite thing this week…The book French Accents written by my sweet bloggy friend Anita, from Cedar Hill Farmhouse . I am so excited for Anita! With this book you can learn Anita’s step by step approach to decorating and how to give your home Farmhouse French style. The book will be “officially” released September 8, 2015. Just click the book to get your copy ordered. I already did ( wink). I know I don’t ordinarily allow posts that are selling things directly or posts linked to shops. But I do believe this is a special circumstance and a wonderful way to celebrate a friends accomplishment.
Clicking on the book leads to the book order page at Cedar Hill Farmhouse- For my full disclosure policies please visit my policies page .
Welcome to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop! You can link your favorite post of the week. Or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers.
This hop is hosted and posted on 6 different blogs!
Please follow ALL of your hostesses.
Your link will appear on the blogs of ♥ Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40 ,Vintage Mamas Cottage, All Thats Jas, What Erika Wears and Surroundings By Debi ♥
We invite you to Grab a Hop Button for your blog (just copy and paste with a link back)
• PLEASE DO NOT link and run, please visit and comment on at least two of the links ahead of you. This simple act of kindness will result in a much more satisfying blog hop experience ♥
• Please link to your post and not to your blog home page.
- Yes you can link giveaways (they are everyone’s favorite thing).
• Please remember to post no more than 3 links.
• No adult content blogs.
• No links directly to your shops or websites selling things/services please!
♥ Optional- Link back to Katherines Corner on your post and/or share the hop button on your blog .
Please leave comments when you visit, let them know you are visiting from the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop . I invite you to add your giveaways to my Giveaways Page too!
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherine and her hostesses permission to share your posts and pictures via social media, pinterest and as a Make It Monday feature on Katherines Corner.♥
♥ Please Follow Your hostesses ♥
♥ Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40 ,Vintage Mamas Cottage, All Thats Jas, What Erika Wears and Surroundings By Debi ♥
Lets Share and HOP ♥
Please add Katherines Corner to your google plus circle
Thank you for hosting and inviting me back to link up. I have! There are some great links here~ Anita’s book looks amazing. I’m sure it will be!
Thank you for hosting. This books looks wonderful, I’ll have to check it out.
Thanks for hosting.
200, wow that’s amazing. I really am late to the party!

So glad I found you, and when you are celebrating 400 I’ll still be here!
Have a wonderful almost weekend!
Hugs, Kimberley @
Thanks for hosting Katherine. Hope you have a fabulous week.
Thank you for hosting! Hope you have a lovely week!
Congrats on hitting 200:) That book cover is beautiful!
Thank you so much for hosting!
Hello beautiful! I’m thrilled to be a part of your party. I hope you get a chance to stop by our party. We would love to party with you twice! Lou Lou Girls
Thanks so much for hosting and have a great week! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for your 200th!
Thanks for the linky!! We would love for you to stop by DIY Crush to submit your craft tutorials and patterns to be featured! It’s a great ad opportunity!
This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!
Wow this has been some week for all your buddies! Hugs Maria
I will have to check out your friend’s book! Thanks for sharing:)
Southern Elle Style
It has been quite some time since I joined, I am glad to see you are still going strong here! Thanks so much for the link up opportunity! Have a great weekend!
Greetings from Sweden!
Happy Thursday Katherine! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful upcoming weekend!
Thank you so much, my friends
Hi Katherine, thanks for hosting each week. Congrats on your 200th publication!! It will be fun to see what you have in store for celebrating!!
Have a beautiful week!
Thank you so much for hosting this party Katherine. Number 200 next week? What an accomplishment! I’ll look forward to seeing how you make it a celebratory occasion!
200th party!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!! You are so sweet to host this for so long! Thanks again!!!
Thanks so much for hosting, Katherine! Have a wonderful week and congratulations on the big upcoming 200!!!
Wow, 200th party, how exciting! Can’t wait to see what surprises you have in store. Thanks so much for hosting.
Thanks so much for the party!!
Thanks for the party Katherine, Anita’s book sounds dreamy~
Thanks Katherine, I always love coming to your party! Hugs, Jo
200th party, oh my, how exciting! I can’t wait to see what you have in store! Thanks for today’s link up and have a wonderful week!
I am so excited for you and next week being the 200th Thursday Favorite Things Hop and just can’t believe you have been doing this hop for this long. Seriously so awesome and huge congrats. Also, love the new book that will be coming out for Anita and look forward to reading now, as well. Have a wonderful night, my sweet friend xoxo
Thanks for hosting! I hope you have a great rest of the week!