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  1. This chocolate chip pound cake sounds delish! Ever since I tasted some very moist chocolate chip muffins recently, I'm hooked on all choc. chip pastries. Must try!

  2. Hi Katie, just wanted to tell you this recipe looks amazing. Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog, I will be checking out your site as well!

  3. This looks so good! I am going to have to write this down! I can just imagine having it with some morning coffee!

  4. This looks so yummy! I love baking so I will definitely do this one tomorrow. Maybe use it as a home ec project with the kids. Good excuse to eat it all up!!! YUM! thanks for sharing.


  5. Thank you Katie for stopping by. This recipe looks wonderful. I need to take something in to work, so I think I'll try this. Thanks for sharing! Blessings.

  6. Thank you for joining my blog today. I've joined yours too and can already see… I'm going to love it! See you there!
    Ladybug Creek

  7. Hi Katie~ thanks so much for stopping and following my blog…I have enjoyed reading yours, too! I love the wooden spoon rack project and this recipe looks SO good!

  8. looks pretty tasty!I think im going to have to make it…thank for stopping by(: hope ypu had a great weekend~

  9. I gain weight just looking at good food. 🙂 thanks for sharing your great recipes. Have a great week.

  10. You know you have to stop this my dear friend. Yiks, it looks so good or is it that I need my afternoon snack. Giggle.

  11. Wish I had a piece of this right now with my coffee! I will be making it this week for sure. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Brightest blessings,

  12. So yummy looking. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I think a slice of this with a cup of tea would be just perfect. Happy eating…

Love each other as God loves you xo

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