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  1. Just stopping by to wish my new wonderful friend an absolutely beautiful weekend! Love, Janine XO

  2. HI!!!
    They are lovely!!!
    Daisies are such fun flowers!!!!remember I've got mail???That was her line in the movie that I loved!!!!
    enjoy and have a fun day

  3. I'm enjoying your blog so much. It's amazing how many followers you have! I'd just like to get to 50 at some point!!!! I'm still trying to get the hang of everything. I'm sure I can learn a lot by watching you. Thanks for such a lovely blog.

  4. I love daisies too and that photo is definitely a vivid picture of daisies. Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

  5. The beach has been very hot this year so this wonderful shot reminds me of more pleasant temps while strolling through a garden.

    Nicely done.

  6. That is gorgeous! The sun hits it just right, needed to make me smile thanks!

    Thanks for stopping over, I'm a new follower too 🙂

  7. so pretty!

    Thanks for following my blog and I'm so glad you did because I found your blog in return. I love finding great new blogs to follow!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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