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  1. Hi! Could I link back to this post from the Ruby blog and community? I want to try to keep a new craft idea going weekly if possible, and I'm running out of time to create new stuff ;o) I would like to get our readers to come over here on a regular basis, so let me know what you think! Nina

  2. There you go again. Having fun and promoting us to do the same. cute

    Are potato chips your crisis food or fun food. Giggle.
    Donuts are my crisis food. Brownies are my fun food.

  3. Hello, dearest Katie!!! You have got to be the nicest, new friend I've ever made!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And I see you've got buttons, too!!! Choices…choices!! I decided to go with the second one since your Blog name shows better on that one…So delighted to put you with my special bloggie friends!!! Love you!

    Also, this purse looks delightful! How very talented and creative you are!! Love it! Have a wonderful week, dear friend!! Love, Janine XO

  4. LOVE vintage stuff 🙂 I have a wardrobe full of vintage dresses that I hardly wear but can't bear to throw away. I do wear them, but no all that often becasue I work from home. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :o)

  5. Hello, and thnks for becoming my new follower you are very welcome. This purse looks perfect, if only i could find the time to make it….XX

Love each other as God loves you xo

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