KATHERINES CORNER · LIFE STORIES, At Home Interests, Inspirational, Gardening, Bible and Topics of Interest · Wordless Wednesday
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You're looking pretty good for 50. Hope I look that good in 8 years. Thanks for visiting my site.
Hi there,
I just passed on a blog award to you Check out my blog for details. Have fun with it.
You are BEAUTIFUL! I think the peace of having the wisdom of years is what gives you that glow. I like getting older–I do. I just don't want to be OLD!
Hi there Im your newest follower from MBC.. Id love if you could follow back, come by if you get a chance.. http://beachbabys.blogspot.com/
you look GREAT for your age girl..whats your secret lol
What beautiful pictures (and blog). Happy Birthday! Hope the next decade is off to a fun start. I hopped over from Moms Misc Adventure Party and am so glad I did!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a few days late!!) — mine's just around the corner, on Monday! I love having a November birthday. I really enjoyed looking around your site. Thanks for visiting mine–I have now added the follow gadget on the sidebar.
Not aging, just getting better and better. I'm following you back!
Those are great! Have a great weekend!
All three are great pics! Happy Birthday.
I think your a lovely lady! Are you sure your 50?
so cuteee……Love the ideas
Great post. I also love how you have your followers right at the top of your page. It seemed like a very bold to me. I bet that is part of your personality.
Following from Mommy Blogs. Hope you had/have a great birthday.
I'm glad to see you got some hair – teehee. Beautiful woman.sandie
I love the pictures. And I had to scroll down to see that you turned 50 – You really do not look it!
Happy Birthday!
Love this post…and I have to agree with the others…50…no way! Fabulous pictures!!!!
You look wonderful!
Precious. But fifty? Uh-uh
Wonderful pictures!
You look great !!!.love Ria…
You've aged wonderfully!
New follower from Wordless Wednesday! http://Www.ashleyplus3.com
Nowhere near 50…you are telling us all lies. How old are you really?
You look wonderful and not at all the big 50! I'm going to be celebrating my 52nd in 2 months and love being in my 50's!!! As a woman, there is so much freedom that comes with that territory.
Enjoy it!