Black Friday Freeze Out
Ahh Black Friday, just the name send chills down my spine. The image of eager shoppers desperate for a bargain. Their red noses pressed, or frozen to the shop doors at the ungodly hour of 3:00 am! Giggle, I was one of those anxious shoppers many years ago. After a tug of war over a sweater ensued, reminiscent of an old Laverne and Shirley episode I decided you can count me out.
I know the deals are amazing, but all deals are. I stand stead fast that black Friday will remain blacked out on my calendar.
Never again will I withstand the harsh winter wind that freezes even the smallest nose drizzle to your nostril. Never again will I endure the pushing, shoving, and sometimes ridiculous behavior of the half awake holiday bargain shoppers. That’s right, I shout loudly, not I my friend!
But, to those of you who dare participate in this ongoing ritual. I send praise for your fortitude, your perseverance, and your savvy shopping skills. I lend you my cozy mittens and pat you on the back with a smile. I wish you well on your journey. God speed and happy shopping. I’ll be her drinking tea.
We didn't sleep, we started at 10:00 PM at Wal-mart! By 4:30 AM I was finished! Thanks for following. Looking forward to your upcoming posts!
I'm usually to pooped out after preparing and cleaning up the Thanksgiving feast that I'd rather have an extra hour of rest the next day than to get mauled at the mall!
I'm not up for the crowds and cold either. I hope you enjoy your weekend.
I am totally with you. I stayed home and watched my grandchild.
Hilarious! You sound so determined. I figure there's no bargain worth fighting over. It's just stuff.
Most enjoyable to read.
Have a good week-end.
I used to do it, no more.
I am following you with the hop.
yes it was quite cold. But she was 12, and next year an official teen, so what could I say? She's quite the shopper, loves the mall, and hey we got good bargains. She wanted to go out again, but I just couldn't. I'm sure we'll go out sometime later today. She's a great kid. I am a proud mom. It was definitely crazy, but last year, crazier…..I love it
Gosh I wanna try it out just one year. But I would never be the one who is camped out for hours in the cold. No thats not me.
I'm with you
I stayed home out of the cold and just enjoyed the quiet!
I'm with you, too! Have never and will never be a part of that struggle!
Amen! I never leave the house on the weekend following Thanksgiving!
Found you thru MBC and following you now. Come visit me at
I agree! Stay home and shop online;)
We have never been big on shopping on Thanksgiving day nor Black Friday…I just don't know if I care enough about a deal to get up that early or deal with rude people! lol
My hubby though suprised me and ran out real quick about 5am to grab something. It must be a suprise for me because he couldn't give me any details! lol I hope it was worth it! lol
There were a few things that I wanted at Target and Toys R Us. Sales on the Toys R Us stuff started at 10pm and the stuff at Target started at 5am. Well, I went online to check out customer reviews on the things I was interested in and low and behold the prices were already marked down on the websites. So, I got out my credit card around 9pm and bought the stuff I wanted.
I did the Black Friday thing several years ago but I think it has been crazier every year since I quit. I am at work today with a very small staff. I would be at home getting ready to decorate for Christmas if I was not here.
No I am not going shopping today however we have to go into Los Angeles today for dinner with our son so we will be in the traffic!!!
Good for them if they like Black Friday, but I'm with you, home and sippin some tea and looking at the Christmas decos begging to be brought up from the basement.
I've never done that 4 a.m. Black Friday shopping so I agree. Hats off to those who do, since I love a bargain. I'm going to a book store today to buy a book and stationery with a 50 percent off coupon. Happy shopping.
I'm with you Girl!!! LOL If I wanted to have my circulation cut off and be stuffed in places I didn't want to be I have girdles that can do that just fine!!! ^_^