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  1. I am making this today. It's cold and snowing and will make a perfect winter time supper. I have some leftover ham that I will cut into tiny bits and add to it. Yum….Super blog.

  2. This sounds delicious and very close to something my son made while he was visiting. Now I have a recipe! 😉 Thanks for that.

  3. Looks delicious Katie! Wow, how have I missed your blog??? Definitely following! Happy new year! XX!

  4. Oh Katherine, that looks so delicious…and pretty too! I'm watching my carbs right now, but one day soon I might just have to cheat! I've copied the recipe and have already sent it to my my, two aunts and our daughter and a daughter-in-love!

    BTW…thanks for your visits and comments!


  5. This looks just beautiful! You've inspired me to try something different 🙂

    Thanks for visiting House Revivals!

  6. Just found your blog on the blog hop, and I LOVE it here! You've done a beautiful job. Looking forward to following!
    God Bless 🙂

  7. Anything that starts with potato…and has pie crust…I'M IN!!!! {And the onions with the potato is an added plus!} 🙂

  8. this is the best yum i've seen all morn. thanks! and the tea below is exactly what i'm doing here! thanks for adding yourself to our pledge and i have grabbed your pretty button and placed in on the community page:) thanks for being a cool kat!…muahhh…enjoy the day!

  9. Hi, thanks for adding our cute cafe button to your hops and helping to spread the word!

    Have a Happy Thursday!

  10. When I first saw the title, I wondered. Then, when I read your recipe, it's definitely a recipe I'll be giving a try.

  11. This one just has to be so delicious. I have already printed it off so we can try it at home. Thanks.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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