I’m in the Spotlight At The Elephant’s Trunk
What a fabulous way to start the week! Lauren at The Elephant’s Trunk has posted a lovely blog featuring yours truly. I invite you to stop by for a visit. Being recognized is always a wonderful way to make you feel valued.
I value each of you. Your participation and comments help to make my blog a wonderful place to spend time. I am honored to share with you.
A new week of possibilities ahead!
P.S> many thanks to those of you who recognize Katherine’s Corner with blog awards, I am always grateful.
congrats! i'll drop by to see you!
Congrats on your recognition. Your blog is certainly beautiful.
Congrats! How wonderful to be featured!
There's nothing better than being in the spotlight! YAY! Congrats!
Nice to Meet you!
I have been having so much fun catching up on your blog! Love the Valentine banner and your recipe sounds scrupteous! Hugs, Kerrie
What a wonderful thing! I am on my way to view yoru spotlight.
Congrats! How exciting! I'll go and take a look.
Katherine…THANKYOU for adding me to your favorites!!! Hugs, Donna
Will pop over after my meal.
Take care/
Congratulations on a well deserved honor!
Congratulations! That is always fun and very special to featured.
So happy to have you at The Elephant's Trunk!
Congrats on your singular beam of light!! It's well deserved!
Katie, I looked for the heart necklace at your jewelry site but didn't see it. Help
Also left you a request at your blog help site. Enjoyed looking around at your other pages.
It repeated…sorry!
Heading over there now to get my dose of Katherine! Have a good day! You are right, it's always life affirming to be recognized in a good way…congrats!