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  1. Hi Catherine,
    beautiful music selection. Lps, 45s, and what about 78s??? Hubby just recently got about 50 albums (lps) that belonged to his mom. Dad gave his stack of 78s to my brother… Including some by Al Jolson. Definitely worth saving 🙂

  2. I also had tons of records including 45s and old 78s. My daughter has confiscated most of them now. Shes a big fanatic!
    Lovely post 🙂

  3. I don’t think my hub has ever gotten rid of any records– or cassettes or cds– no 8-tracks around though. I usually have my own music going so yay for the option to mute.

  4. Hi there. I always have my speakers on mute, so I didn’t know that you played music either! 🙁 Like you I have a lot of old 45’s from the 60’s. I also have a Juke Box with 100 records on it, and I love playing it!

  5. I do actually prefer to be able to decide if i want to listen to music on someone’s blog as I am often listening to music while blog reading anyway! In fact no sound here today anyway must be because I am in Europe! Your book club sounds fun but again being in Europe does not look as though it will work for me to join as never heard of this author.

  6. My husband has a lot of records from the 50’s, 60’s. I too enjoy the music on your blog.
    We’ve been on vacation and I’m trying to catch up on my blogging.
    Have a good week ~

  7. Hi Katherine,

    Nice to meet you! I think it’s a great idea to move the music so people have an easy choice. When I had my other blog, I decided to just remove it. I do like music while I visit, so I put on my own. Your blog is lovely.
    Hope you have a delightful day!

  8. I always LOVE it when the music is serene and relaxing…Sometimes it makes you not want to leave…. : ) I must admit I have done that a couple of times as the VERY relaxing music played on and on… : )… I agree with Deborah that moving up closer to the top is a wise choice… and gives those a chance to mute it…

    Lovely to have you visit today and congratulations on your sign winning’s… : )

  9. I can remember racing to the misic shop to get the latest LP or 45 release !! Oh my…. Wonderful memories ! !
    Have a Wonderful Day ! !

  10. Good morning Katie,
    Hope you and the family are all well and happy. We are supposed to reach triple digits today so the heat is pretty bad and everyone’s A/C is having trouble keeping the inside temperature where we want it. Hopefully it is cooler in your neck of the woods. Linda was pleased with her Avon order she got the weekend so I hope business is good for you. Take care and stay cool.

  11. You are so kind Katherine.
    Moving it up closer is a good idea..Im thinking Ill do that too, because I have my music on automatic too because sometimes the song is meant to go with that particular post.
    Have a sweet day my friend xo

    Deborah xoxo

  12. While I LOVE your choice of music, I can’t read and listen at the same time and have always had to mute it. If you need more records, my hubby has about 100,000. Music is his first love and I rank a dim second. LOL!

  13. It was a good idea to put the music a bit higher. Most of the time I enjoy the soulful vibe of it, but some days I’m just not ready to hear it! This way I have a choice. Love it!!

  14. Hi Katherine,

    We still have boxes of records too – they are great aren’t they.
    I agree with you, I also love music too.
    Have a lovely week.


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