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  1. Pingback: Chicken Rigatoni
  2. I like Katherines Corner ( Go Ask Katie) on facebook and I wrote on your wall (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).

  3. I like Katherines Corner ( Go Ask Katie) on facebook and I wrote on your wall (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).

  4. Hi, Katherine. Just dropping by to say “hi”. I wanted to follow you, but as you note above for some reason GFC doesn’t show up. I have a WordPress self-hosted blog and have never had that problem with Firefox. While I have Chrome and IE for testing purposes, I never use them to browse. I took a quick look at the code you pasted into your widget and it’s almost identical to mine. It may be an issue with the hosting site itself. Anyway, a pleasure to meet you. I’m following you on Twitter. Know Mitzi in person from her Dallas days. Have a lovely week.

  5. Hi! Nice to meet you…enjoying reading thru your blog 🙂 Please enter me in your giveaway! Love the name…i taught that joke to my son when he was a 1st grader for joke day..he still remembers it. lol I’m a new follower also 🙂

  6. Is this the right area? I hope so, don’t know much about blogs. You’ll have to explain it to me at lunch one day SOON.

  7. Hi lovely lady. Im one of your follower ~~~I love your sweet Give-A-Way !!! I hope you have a Great 4th, of July with your lovely family.
    Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my Blog today.
    XXOO Diane

  8. Pingback: Happy Fourth of July | Katherines Corner
  9. Okay..this is too Cute… I am a VERY HAPPY follower….
    I loved Ricki Jill’s knock knock joke…

    I really need to get up to speed on all this Twitter and Facebook stuff… I am loosing out on entries.. : (

  10. I already follow you everywhere! Love you, Love your blog! And this giveaway, well it is just so adorable!

  11. Not really trying to enter Katie but stopped by to say hi and that is one beautiful bird and I am sure someone will be thrilled to receive it. I tried a great dish last week at a family gathering and have posted the recipe on my blog today. Guaranteed to be awesome.

  12. I love orange. It’s my favorite color. When I taught school, it was funny to see when my students discovered that it was the only color I ever wore. Thanks for the chance to win.

  13. Pingback: Sweet Summer Giveaway : Screaming Sardine
  14. Hello dear Katie,

    You always doing amazing things. Not only fantastic but your love shines thru with everything you do. Thanks for a wonderful site.

    Susie Moore
    skype smsforce

  15. Pingback: New Giveaway at Katherines Corner, Orange You Glad Giveaway … | Google Friend Connect Blog

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