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  1. Good to see you’re spending time with your grand children over the summer. Camping out in the backyard seems like a great way to spend time with the family and enjoy nature. Thank you for sharing your weekend.

  2. My grandkids arent at that stage yet but I sure do look forward to doing things like this with them.
    I also love being a grandparent!!

  3. So funny that this is your post. My husband I were just talking about when my daughter is old enough we can backyard camp at Grandma and Grandpa’s cause they live on a beautiful lake….such a great idea! Cute pictures!

  4. Pingback: Backyard Camping | Katherines Corner | Camping
  5. Looks like everyone had an awesome time! Great photos! Being a grandparent is indeed such fun! ~Hugs, M

  6. Katherine that certainly looks like a super-fun weekend!
    Oh you are so blessed to have grandchildren!!
    Cute pjs!!
    Glad you made such special memories! xo

    Deborah xoxo

  7. Well, that certainly does look like great fun my friend! Being a grandparent is the absolute best, isn’t it?! Gorgeous photos of everyone, including the mutant smore!! I am still waiting for my giveaway to arrive that I won, as I have never tasted them before, so I think I have a real treat in store. That pond looks great, especially being so close to you. What a wonderful idea to camp in the back garden. We have a very large garden, so I think that next year, this will certainly be something for us to do. By that time Eli will be four and Ruby will be two and a half. I could always get my 13 year old granddaughter to camp out with us as well.! Lovely warm post today.

    1. Hi sweetie, you won a giveaway of smores? Oh my goodness I hope you’ll tell us all about it. I highly recommend camping at home so much fun. Big Hugs my friend!

  8. oh, my 3 children would have love to join in all that fun!!!! and what’s “camping” without getting smores all over you?! the best part of fishing is the actual “doing”… not really getting the fish. well, that’s what i tell mine… because i don’t want to clean the fish and cook them! so i encourage them NOT to bring any home! lol
    you 2 are such wonderful grandparents! (although you look entirely too young to be one!)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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