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  1. Thanks for stopping by my little blog today! It’s always fun to see a new face around there 🙂

    Wow a book club. I am intrigued. I just finished “The Help” and have been looking to start a new book, may just have to jump in here. I’ll be back tomorrow to check out the book!

    A Candid Life

  2. I’m voting for The Shifter. Sounds very intriguing! Thanks, by the way, for checking up on me the other day. There was a death in my family recently so I’ve been out of sorts for awhile. I hope to get back to blogging this evening or tomorrow, the latest. Hugs!

  3. My pick would be Shifter or Thin Rich Pretty too— I’ve read so many Shifter sort of books so guess I’ll go with Thin Rich Pretty.

  4. I could do any of them actually but I would prefer NOT a self help book…. I get enough of that in my other profession. I will support what the group wants. The Shifter or Thin, Rich and Pretty sound great but again, you make good choices no matter what!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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