DIY pretty pillow features at TFT link party

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  1. Happy Pillow TFT, Katherine and Ladies!!!!! Aren’t you glad that it is finally fall?? We are having a bit of fall-like weather late this week with temps in the low 60’s here in Texas and I am soooo grateful! Thank you for hosting, as always. <3 This week my post about Lost Photos, Happy Memories and a Craft {a message board I created while in our last house} is #271. Hope you and your readers like it!

    Have a lovely fall weekend with hopefully one of the first warm, crackly fires of the season inside your beautiful homes,
    Barb 🙂

  2. Hello Katherine! Look at all those fun pillows, I’m loving them all! This week I’m posted at number 244. I hope you have a wonderful weekend lady! 🙂

  3. Wonderful features this week! Thank you for hosting this opportunity to bring bloggers together and share their posts. I look forward to your party each week. #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings.

  4. Good morning, Katherine! I love all your pillow features! Aren’t they fun?! So happy to be joining you, once again for another TFT!
    Many blessings to you my friend.
    I’ve been lifting your sweet daughter up in prayer and am grateful that things seem like they have had a successful outcome. Will keep up my prayers for you both.
    Hugs and love,

Love each other as God loves you xo

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