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  1. Pingback: Sponsor Spotlight-Katherines Corner
  2. Hi Katherine, This giveaway looks great! I know I can’t participate but I just wanted to let you know that I like the things and of course this bird enthusiast loves the ceramic birds!:) Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday.

  3. Gorgeous giveaway ~ I hope I win! Autumn decor is my favorite. I am a follower through Facebook and I also left a comment on your wall (underneath your giveaway post). Thank you ~ have a blessed day!

  4. Hi, Katherine

    Thank you for stopping by my blog last week, I appreciate your kind words.

    Love your blog and I follow you on google friend.

  5. How great Katherine!! Darling Giveaway Package. I am a follower of course, also on Facebook and Twitter!

    Art by Karena

    PS I have a Giveaway as well so come and enter!

  6. 2 – I just added your giveaway button to my sidebar at Create With Joy. Wanted to mention to you that one of the reasons the code you provided might not be working is that after the http: – you have 3 slashes! 🙂


  7. Katherine, I did the official follow through GFC, vs. through my reader! Great give-away for fall, which is my favorite time of year. In my opinion, Ohio doesn’t have the best of weather except for this time of year, so I relish it during the short time it lasts! 🙂 Sue

  8. Hi Katie, I’m a new follower and found you through Odie’s blog The Simple Life. Your site is beautiful and I love the ceramic birds! I look forward to reading your blog as time goes forward. Have a wonderful day:)

  9. Thought I’d stop by to say hello. Can’t wait for the fall weather to arrive down here. Still way too hot. BTW, when you gonna join the tribe GF???

  10. I am a follower. I love those little birds! I am not a fan of autumn or winter bc that means summer is over and cold is on it’s way. But I decided maybe if I decorate this year it will help me feel better.

  11. Hi Katherine. I’ve popped over from Odie’s blog (A Simple Life) because he gave you a shout out today. That looks like a lovely Autumn giveaway, and I would like to be entered please. I already follow you through Google Friend Connect. I expect you will be inundated with entries for this one!! Hugs.

  12. I really love those birds Katie, all of the items are lovely but the birds just make it special. You know me girl and I’ll do what I can for you. I am home today with Rocky taking a couple of quiet days to do whatever we feel would be fun. Sometimes you just have to take some time for yourself. Have a blessed day.
    Big Hugs,

  13. I am following your blog with GFC.
    Love the little birds. Spring is coming on here in Oz so there are plenty of birds about here now.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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