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  1. Sounds like a great quick new take on my sauce and one I’m sure my family would like! Thanks! Katherine I always love to visit at your site becasue it is so pretty here!! Take care!

  2. that looks delicious, I love tomatoes. I don’t preserve anything because I don’t know how to and my fridge is too tiny. Maybe when I get a bigger fridge.

  3. You are lucky to have so many ripe tomatos … ours sort of flopped this year 🙁 Stopping in to say hi from the hop. Hope you can visit soon and return the favor. OH, and let me know if you would beintersted in a giveaway for my book – maybe your bookclub could take it on??

  4. Sadly, I don’t do this, but yours always looks amazing!

    About comment responses, I don’t subscribe to them, because it made my inbox too much to handle for the bloggers who gets tons of comment. When the blogger responds to comments on their blog, in the comments, unless you subscribe, you don’t know what they’ve said, unless you come back to check.

  5. Your base sauce is basically mine too, but I don’t store or can. Thankfully our grocery store…up to now anyway…always has veggies of all kinds year round. They import some in the winter I think. Gotta be able to have spaghetti sauce or sausage and peppers, right?! ^_^

Love each other as God loves you xo

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