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  1. Hi Sweetie – this is the first opportunity I’ve had to link up today, but I am promoting the hop on Ruby and on our FB page. Thanks for creating this fun hop on Thursdays ;o) If you ever need an emergency back-up, I will be happy to help out. I was away all day yesterday and didn’t see your FB message until this afternoon, but normally I would be available if you need me for any Thursday. Just let me know if I can help out! Praying for you, my friend. Please let me know how you are doing. Hugs, Nina

  2. Hi! Thanks for hosting– this is my ‘fave’ hop! I was so enthused that I linked up twice. I must be having a crazy day. Can you delete #32 so I don’t look like a big doofus blog hop hog. hahaha

  3. I am a new follower! I linked up a post on enjoying homemaking since my blog is to encourage women to love being a homemaker and wife. It looks like you focus on making your home a better place. I like that!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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