sunflowers tft party

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  1. Thanks so much Katherine for featuring my Sunshine Blogger Award! It is such an honor and I enjoy reading everyone else’s posts and responses.

    thanks again,

  2. Thank you for hosting. Serving this week 7-29- to 8-2. On Tuesday is a healthy Fresh Salmon Salad. On Wednesday is a colorful Shrimp Cobb Salad with a Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette. And finally on Friday is a Chicken Jerk Salad complete with a spicy marinade.

  3. Hi Katherine! Thanks for the reminder (it’s a beautiful one) that sunflowers flourish in the heat. I am one of those sunflowers who happens to love high temperatures! 🙂 I’m sharing at #116 today, and it’s a tender topic…the genetic mutation diagnosis that has taken me on a journey with surgeries and new challenges but also great personal growth. Without such curveballs, I would simply not be as awakened or as compassionate. So these trials are welcomed into my surrendered heart, and I try to live as though it is all rigged in my favor. I honestly believe this.Thanks for the opportunity to share, and I wish you peace right where you are.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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