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  1. OK, I’m too daft to understand what a blog hop is, but I’ll try. All I know is that because of Ginger @ Savannah Granny, I (re) located this blog! I had found you a long time ago when I first started reading blogs, and then I lost you. Hitting the follow button this time so as not to let it happen again. Woohooo!

    Now, I guess I’ll read Savannah Granny at her place???

  2. Even though I’m not linked up today, I’m hopping around and visiting. Thanks for hosting this – some lovely things to see. Hope your day is sunshiny!

  3. Hello again Katherine,
    This is to inform you that I have passed on the Sunshine Award to you. The details are on my Blog. Thanks for your wonderful posts. I am glad I met you in the Blogging world. Take care and my best wishes to you.

  4. Hello my sweet friend – it was such a gift to chat with you on the phone the other day. I love you ;o) and I am so grateful to God for bringing you into my life. You are a treasured friend! I am praying for you today and I know that God will carry you through the days ahead. Thanks for this fun blog hop! It is so much fun to meet new bloggy friends through the connections we are making here. We will be promoting Gifts by Katherine this week and through the holiday season. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help! Nina

Love each other as God loves you xo

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