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  1. Katie, I love candles but alas allergies keep me from burning most of them. I have found that I can burn soy candles with no problem but not the scented since I am highly allergic to most perfumes. The soy candles are a good subsitiute.

    I am also allergic to a wood burning fire. The pits!
    xoxo Ginger

  2. Very interesting Katie! Candles, especially red ones are always a part of our Christmas decorations. I do not burn all of them but Janine received a lovely Christmas lantern from Germany and a candle came in it. When the candle is lit it makes a beautiful sight!

  3. Thank you for that information. Yes we do burn candles during the holiday. I love to have the house smell like a real pine tree!

  4. HI, Katherine

    I never knew this. What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing hope you and your family have a Bless Christmas.


  5. Like you, I have always loved candles as well. They are always so cheery and bright. I had never heard that story about Christmas candles before – very interesting, so thank you for sharing it with us.

  6. Candles are one of the things from my old life that I miss. I still have a few, but rarely burn them. After about 5 minutes, scented candles give me a headache, fog my brain, make my throat hurt and the glands in my neck swell. Just can’t do ’em anymore.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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