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  1. Hi Katie, now that the holidays are over I am catching up with my blogging friends. thank you for following me.

    I am not a big fan of Nicholas Sparks books. He like to kill off his featured characters so often. I do love to read so I’ll stay in touch with whats next to read.

    Happy New Year,
    Hugs, Jeanne

  2. Sounds like it might be a great read. I decided that 2012 is going to be my year to catch up on some reading. Lord knows I have plenty of material at hand at the moment!

  3. How are you picking the books? I would be interested in getting involved. As for this book, I read some reviews on (just got a Kindle). I decided to get Safe Haven instead based on the recommendations I read. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the reviews of other members of your Book Club … and yours.

  4. I want in! How far into the Nicholas Sparks book are you? and ditto on Lynn’s question, when do we share thoughts and comments on the book that is being read?
    What is the criteria for book selections? I would love to read this N. Sparks book, he’s one of my faves and if y’all aren’t too far into it, I’ll go get it today and get caught up.
    Thanks Katherine, this is awesome.

  5. Hi Katherine,
    I’m ready to vote on a new book whenever you’re ready! I need a good read for this month. When do we comment on the Nicholas Sparks book? Do you do a post for that?
    Have a good week.

  6. What fun, a book club. I’ve always wanted to know more about them and be part of one. I’m going to take a look at your book list. I’d love to be a part of this but it wouldn’t be the right time for me now. Thanks for doing this.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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