KATHERINES CORNER · LIFE STORIES, At Home Interests, Inspirational, Gardening, Bible and Topics of Interest · Wordless Wednesday
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Say, I just began the Rob Lowe autiobiography yesterday: tough to put down!
Plus, just two days ago I posted a review of John Green’s An Abundance of Katherines, so I thought it a curiosity to have found your blog just today as I searched for a Wordless Wednesday hop appropriate for my blog! I’m enjoying your eclectic posts and pics!
So you have read all those books? I seldom read but I do enjoy it. I must get off this computer and spend more time reading.
Eeks! I don’t know if I could take the pressure!
Gosh, I have a book blog and rarely manage to review many of the books I read. It is more fun to start the next book. Good luck with the reviews.
I bought my copy of On Lavender Lane last night. When will the book club discussion take place?
I can relate. I think I have whittled my review books down to four now. I got out of control there for awhile. LOL. I love to read! I’ll soon be starthing the new one for your book club, too!
Hugs, GraceinAZ
I want to read that new nicholas sparks book. I love all of his books.
THE Rob Lowe? The actor?
Those look lovely. I should start writing reviews so I have an excuse to put time away for reading!!
-:¦:- WW: Real Mermaid -:¦:-
Oh my. I know that I couldn’t keep up with those writing reviews. I’m a really SLOW reader unless I’m truly interested, completely interested in the content. I mean, they can’t give me a second to sigh or I’m distracted
Best to you on that stack
Thanks for giving me ideas to add to my reading list! Thanks for linking up at Taylor Joelle Designs WW.
Taylor Joelle Designs
Those all look GREAT! :):):):):):)
I am avid reader ~ love my ‘fire kindle’ ~ great photo for WW ~ namaste, carol (Share the Creative Journey)
I am waiting for Nicholas sparks Best of Me to come to my local book store.
I quite fancy reading that Rob Lowe story… some of these actors live very colorful lives indeed.
Happy Wednesday Katherine.
Jennie. x