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  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog — I enjoyed exploring yours — it’s very pretty. I don’t know exactly how Blog Hops work, but I will try to figure it out.

  2. Hi Katherine! Not only is this the first time I’ve participated in this blog hop, it’s the first time I’ve visited your blog–and what a delight! I’ll definitely follow and be a regular visitor now. I found you through Pam at over50feeling40.

    Today is my daughter’s birthday, and my relationship with her is definitely one of my favorite things in life!

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  3. Hi! You have a new follower. So happy to be a part of this blog hop. I also went for a visit on your facebook page and “liked” it. have a great day.

  4. Happy hugs to you, Katherine, and Angela. Hope you are having a love-ly Valentine’s Week! 🙂
    I didn’t see a follow on Angela’s blog, but have bookmarked it for future visits!

  5. Hey Its Cheri from Its so very Cheri. I am following you and if you haven’t made your way over to check out please do and follow me back. I also have another post on my site for a give-a-way each week for those who follow me on the new Linky Follower tool.


Love each other as God loves you xo

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