blue berry bread recipe

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  1. Mmmm, I’ll try this when my blueberries get ripe, in July. Nothing better than that fresh taste! Except maybe that taste and a slather of butter! LOL

  2. Even though I haven’t been doing a lot of commenting lately I do think of you often and with retirement just around the corner maybe I will be around more often. Today’s recipe is a keeper for sure as much as I love blueberries. Linda & I will have to do this one very soon. Thanks a bunch for all you do for us.

  3. Sounds yummy. I just bought some blueberries today only I would have to change a few things up to make it low carb for me.

  4. this is YUMMY!!!!! i actually think i might whip it up today — i have beautiful blueberries in the fridge — even in winter — i am hopelessly addicted to them!!!!! thanks for sharing my friend — i made pupusa’s today on my blog — first time ever…very interesting and tasty! sending you tons of hugs…oh and i will be drinking blueberry tea from main with this yummy loaf of lovliness!!!! : )

  5. The ideal breakfast would be a cup of black coffee and one of these, Katie. Correction: a cup of black coffee and a dozen of these … and a long chat with you about Rick Springfield. (LOL)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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