thursday favorite things blog hop 171

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  1. Thank you for the nice comment Katherine! I would love to link sometime when I can do some visiting! You have a wonderfully successful party going. Have a great New Year!

  2. Hi Katherine,
    No, I don’t have a stand mixer. I had one, but it broke. It was one of those cheap ones. I would love to have one of those Artisan’s preferably a red one. Thanks for party and Happy New Years.

  3. Thanks again for hosting!
    If you have time – please hop on board the Great Blog Train (blog hop) – we are traveling to GREECE this month!
    PS – I know that you don’t like links in your comments so please arrow down a few posts on my blog to get to the Great Blog Train post (thanks)

  4. Happy New Year Katherine and I hope it’s off to a great start! My children gave me a stand mixer for my birthday a couple of years ago and it was one of the best gifts ever. Looking forward to more great parties with you this year!

  5. My mom blessed me with a Kitchen aid mixer last year for Christmas, and I LOVE it! Thank you so much for hosting another inspiring party, Katherine! Happy 2015!

  6. Hello beautiful! We are thrilled to stop by and be a part of your party. Please take a moment and party with us . We love partying with you.
    Happy Thursday! Lou Lou Girls

  7. Nothing like a good Kitchen Aid Mixer! I hope you get one soon, they are the best! I had one up until we moved, then I sold it so I’m hoping to get one again when we move back to the States. Thanks for hosting! Hugs!

  8. Your parties rock! Hope you get your standing mixer soon. I was lucky to get one this Christmas and now I understand why most bloggers like to include it in their food shots 🙂

  9. Oh, I love my stand mixer! I’d love to have one with the tilting head, though! How fun! Thanks for hosting!

  10. Oh wow, Katherine, I am soooo with you! The mixer looks awesome and so many colors to choose from! Spurring you on to collect all those pennies and buy one in your favorite color. 🙂 Thank you, as always for hosting the linkup. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are having a wonderful start to your New Year.

  11. Wishing you health and happiness for the new year, Katherine! I’ll give anything to get my hands on one of those stand mixers:) Hope you get yours soon. Thanks for the party~hugs, Poppy

  12. I’m excited to get started with this first party of 2015. This week I’m sharing a recipe for a no-cook drizzle chocolate (perfect for molten-type single-serve cakes and such) as well as a recipe for making flavored mayonnaise, and also some helpful tips on how to make New Year’s GOALS and actually be able to keep them. 😉 Love the hop, thanks for hosting!

    ~Taylor-Made Homestead~

  13. Katherine, wishing you and yours a Happy New Year! Yes, I have a stand mixer, an old one but a good one. I don’t know what I’d do without it. When I think of what my mother managed to cook and bake in her kitchen without all our modern kitchen aids, well, she’s my hero.

    By the way, today is Ukrainian Christmas on the Julian calendar. Now, that Mom has passed away, and we’re far from any church that celebrates on this day, it’s a memory I treasure. We celebrated both in our family. Dec. 25th was commercial with Santa Claus, but Jan. 7th with the family feast, (long) church service, carolling to people’s homes, and the 12 meatless dishes Christmas Eve was quite a treat. As I write, I’m thinking next year, I should do a post on these traditions. They are so beautiful and meaningful. I am fortunate that I had the privilege of experiencing Christmas in different ways. Love, Diana

  14. Katherine, thank you sooo much for hosting the party!!! I would be sooo excited about that new mixer too!!! happy New Year and big hugs, Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa, thank you for joining in the fun. I hope to reach my kitchenaid savings goal,l within the next couple of months. Big hugs for you too and wishing you only good things for 2015!

  15. Pingback: Party-Pleasing New Year's Eve Signature Cocktail

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