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  1. Oh that IS a cute puppy. I have puppy fever too, but my husband doesn’t. 🙁
    Thanks for sharing this precious little puppy at Show & Tell. He instantly tugged on my heartstrings…

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  2. Cute little guy or gal.
    It looks alot like a Maltese.
    If unsure, take this picture to shelter with you and they can tell you for sure what it is.

  3. What a precious pup! I posted a pup for Wordless Wednesday too! Great minds. Hope you are doing well my friend! ~Hugs, xo

  4. Oh my goodness, I know just what you mean. I so, so, so miss having a dog. And, that one is adorable.

    Please let us know when you find your new love.♥

  5. oh my, he is so cute! no idea what breed it is. my puppy fever has cooled slightly after my puppy has destroyed various shoes, cables, pillows, plants…
    but she is also very cute, especially when she is asleep 🙂

  6. Oh yes! That one would give me puppy fever too! Don’t let me see a for sale sign with those on the side of the road. There would be no questions asked but “How much?”

  7. Sooo adorable! He looks like my Angel when she was little and she is a cockapoo.
    Very, very sweet and kind breed!

  8. That pup is adorable, Katie! I want it! It looks like a plush stuffed animal, doesn’t it? I hope you find a fur baby and give it lots of love. Please remember that the abused, neglected and abandoned animals on death row in shelters are the ones that need you the most.

  9. It’s a furry kind of puppy… and it’s cute! I’ve had puppy fever since the loss of my last dog, several years ago. However, hubby doesn’t have puppy fever.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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