thursday blog hop

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  1. Hi Katherine,
    I love your blog hops and I just posted Thursday Favorite Things button on my blog. You are great, thanks for being here.

  2. New Linky follower 🙂 My Favorite Thing About Summer is the blooming of all those lovely flowers! Thanks for hosting.

  3. Thank you so much for hosting! I am excited to see what everyone has been up to. Thank you for the invite too 🙂
    Hugs, Tanya

  4. Can’t wait to start checking out all the amazing things linked up this week! Don’t think I’ll be linking up myself though. Thanks for hosting such a great blog hop where we can enjoy such a variety of awesome things!

  5. Wow, Katie, this looks like a great party! I appreciate the “follow” & comment on my blog, & I am now following you, too! I’ve added your blog to my blogroll so I can join in your party some time.

  6. Hi Sweetie! Just got home, been out all day, so I just posted and promoted. Linked up, too, and now I’m off to work on a couple of other projects before supper. Hope you are having a wonderful day and lots of fun this summer ;o) BIG Hugs, N

  7. Aloha,
    Following ya from the hop on google. It’s so nice to meet ya and I look forward to visiting you more. Happy Thursday.


  8. Thanks so much for hosting ( and for the reminder!!! )
    It’s so appreciated – off to browse, my favorite part!
    Have a great one,

  9. Whew! I did it! But I accidentally have two linkys up. OOPS!!1

    I am enjoying visiting everyone.


  10. Let’s see if I get this right this week! Link to one of my earlier posts will be on my site which is a fun story about my Mother-In-Law. Happy Thursday!

  11. New Follower… thanks so much for hosting.. I grabbed your button and your co hosts button as well and am following you both…. Thanks again


  12. Good morning, Katherine! Thanks so much for hosting. Sorry I am late to the party…. I have been getting ready for an art show that will be held on Saturday. I do not think I will ever be in another art show during the summer….too many other things going on!

    Ricki Jill

  13. Good morning, Katie hopefully you know I’m a follower by now!!! If not, I definitely am
    dear!! I look forward to our little smiles and Hugs back forth. I hope you are having a wonderful day! 🙂

  14. Thank you for hosting another great link party! It’s always fun to see such inspiring ideas! Have a great weekend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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