pumpkin pancakes

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  1. Pumpkins, um yum. I made pumpkin soup yesterday, and we’re having some leftover for dinner tonight. And, we had pumpkin muffins this weekend, and I put some in the freezer for later. My husband wanted pumpkin pancakes last week.

    It seems we are all in our “pumpkiny” moods. Now you have me wanting pumpkin creme brulee.

  2. Hi, Katie

    You are making me drool. I love pumpkin. Anything with pumpkins is so yummy. I am going to try so of these recipes. Hope you are having a great weekend.


  3. Pumpkin Bread is by far and away my favorite this time of year! The pics are great and the pumpkin seeds photo makes me want to get into a pumpkin patch and hunt! I love those things!

  4. Pumpkin is devoured by the Pres and I as well as our kids…I bake pumpkin choc chip cookies (or bars), pies, souffles…the stuff is AWESOME!!!!! Never tried pancakes which we love so I might just have to do that!! Thanks…:)JP

  5. I think the only pumpkin recipes I’ve ever had are pie, bread and toasted seeds. Of these three pumpkin pie is my fav but I sure would LOVE to try pumpkin soup.

  6. Oh my…pumpkin pancakes….will definitely be checking into this one… Thanks hun…hope you have a fabulous weekend! ~Hugs, xoxo

  7. The pumpkin recipes sure look delicious. I’ve never had pumpkin pancakes before so that recipe would be a great change from the regular ones. My favorite one would be the pumpkin Creme Brulee…now that’s a recipe I could die for! I love Creme Brulee will definitely have to try this one!

    Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Pumpkin pancakes? Wow, I never thought of those, sounds good and definitely the toasted nuts, yummy! I linked up with Show and Tell,thanks for giving me the idea 🙂

  9. And don’t get me started on pumpkin seeds…. With butter and soy sauce heated in a frying pan!!!! My kindergarten class always loved this! (especially since the seeds came out of our class pumpkin after our fun day at the pumpkin patch!)

  10. Katherine, this post makes me anticipate the joys of fall even more! I love (really love) pumpkin pie (so does my daughter and we often fight over the last piece!). I love pumpkin bread! And I just made pumpkin muffins this week. 🙂 I look forward to pumpkin pancakes soon… On a Saturday morning with no rushing off to school. 🙂 Now I’m drooling over pumpkin creme brûlée?!! Wowie, wow, wow!!!!
    Fall, how I love thee….
    Happy Friday dear, Katherine!!!

  11. oh this is a YUMMY in my TUMMY post for sure!!!! i am making this pumpkin creme brulee this weekend for sure! oh i can taste it now!!!!! pumpkin seeds so bring me back to my youth — it was my FAVORITE snack and they were encrusted with salt …YUM…i am not questioning my fascination with them…could it have been the salt??? ;0 sending hugs and hope all is well with everyone…including my little furry friend!

  12. I wasn’t sure how to vote so I’ll vote for the Debbie Maccomber book ;)….I love my mother’s pumpkin pie…simply the best!

  13. I love pumpkins, Katie, the look of them and the taste of them. I heard on the news that pumpkin prices are up this year due to the drought. I could go for a large slice of pie, a stack of those pancakes or a big batch of those seeds. (Please change “or” to “and”.)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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