soft pretzel twist recipe

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  1. Pingback: Thoughts on April
  2. Yep. I’m a dipper. Really just about anything tastes good on a pretzel. I’m partial to salmon spread. Thanks for the recipe I’ll probably never make because I’m too lazy, but admire those who have the verve to do so.

  3. That Michigan game was not pretty if you’re a fan (my hubby is attending UM right now).

    The pretzels look good.

    I’m really glad your Izzy is recovering well. 🙂

  4. yummy! Those look really good. This might be next on my baking list. Seeing as now for the moment my chaos has quieted down this week, maybe some baking is required. Had out of control neighbors last week, which got scary, but thank god nobody got hurt. I’m away from it for the most part as I’m hanging out at my kids house all day and am only home in the evenings.

  5. I’m not much good when it comes to making anything with yeast in it. Usually my breads and foods made with yeast turn out hard and chewy at best. HAH I love pretzels and yours look so good, and I bet they taste a whole lot better than the ones I see in the kiosks in the Mall’s. 🙂

    I hope your sweet little Izzy is feeling better today. I remember when my dog Josie was alive, every time she had to have surgery it bothered me as much as if it were one of my children. She always “ate up” the attention! HAHA

  6. pretzels look wonderful but what’s the purpose of putting them in the soda water? Have never heard of that process before.
    Thanks for the recipe

  7. Sending hugs to all…especially little IZZY!!! : ) Wishing you a picture perfect day and home made pretzels are worth it!!! : ) hugs my friend and thank you for being you!

  8. Poor Izzy! That awful neck cone followed by oral surgery and neutering. He’s probably wondering what’s next. I hope that’s the end of his doggie problems for a long time. Love pretzels all my life! Have a great week, Katie!

  9. I love pretzels, but must admit I would never take the time and effort to make them. They sure make a good snack if your stuck shopping, though!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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