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  1. Years ago I watched Big Brother for a season, and I watched American Idol the season Carrie Underwood was on there (does that count as a reality show? If not, never mind that one, lol), and I watched Fashion Runway the season Christian Siriano was on there.

  2. Love love love love the new look of Katherine’s Corner – it looks amazing!! I never used to watch reality shows but am embarrassed to say I’ve become a fan of the Kardashian’s in the last few months (who would have thought) And I love American Idol + X factor 😉

  3. I like to watch Ghost Hunters. And I watch all of Oprah’s new shows, Super Soul Sunday, Life Class & Oprah’s New Chapter.

  4. Oh yeah. Reality TV is a great escape! I like Family Jewels and I’m kind of embarrassed to admit, but if I just want to zone out totally I’ll watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians. I just like to see what they’re wearing!

  5. Haven’t seen any of the shows you listed as I’m a hugh fan of the NCIS and all the
    CSI shows. Also started watching Malibu Country…………..funny and a good show to watch

  6. As a big Kiss fan I watched Gene Simmons and his clan a few years ago, Katie. I watched Survivor every season until this current one when I finally lost interest and bailed out. The older I get the more aware I become of how I use or waste the resource of time. Have a wonderful day, dear Katie, and please give Izzy a loving pat on the head for me!

  7. I’m a huge Survivor and Amazing Race fan, and I do love Tori and Dean, though I haven’t seen their show in ages !

  8. LOVE THERESA!!! Just finished watching the last two shows. I cried when they had to leave V at college and her daddy cried.

    That’s the only one, of the ones you mentioned, that I watch.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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