thursday blog hop

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  3. Hello there Katie!
    I hope all is well. Thanks for hosting. I am so happy to be able to join your party again. My area in Jamaica was badly damaged by Hurricane Sandy so I was offline for almost 2 weeks. Take care and lots of love and best wishes to you.

  4. Thanks for hosting again this week, but I have to say, my husband is starting to wonder why I get nothing done around here on Thursday’s lol. So many great links I feel I have to check out!

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  6. Hi Katie, I finally linked up after a couple weeks of absence. Love your new theme. (the only problem; it is soo wide on the screen I have to keep shifting from l. to r. each time) Thanks for hosting another wonderful event! xoxo

  7. Pingback: Fun with Shutters @ One Creative Couple
  8. New follower! Thanks for hosting this hop 🙂 Following you via Facebook and would love for you to stop by my blog and facebook and say hello!


  9. Thanks so much for hosting Katherine!!! I’m so behind this week with everything that I still haven’t gone through last weeks party – going now!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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