easy to make apple pie recipe

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  1. I have made this pie twice and we absolutely love it. Perfect blend of sugar and spice (like my family)
    Your recipe was my first attempt at an apple pie, and it will remain my go-to from now on.

        1. Hello Linda, yes you can. But you need to keep it refrigerated. If you prefer your pie warm, like I do, I just pop a slice into the microwave for 30 seconds. I hope you will enjoy my apple pie. Hugs!

  2. Made the recipe with store bought gluten-free crusts. Also took the liberty of doubling the spices and added cardamom and dried sweetened cranberries as I am planning to make this for Thanksgiving. Turned out great. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Oh darn, at least it still tasted good ( smiley face). Did you remember to add the flour to the fruit? Baking fruit draws out the water and can make the filling a bit thin. Always make sure your pie is cooked and cooled completely before slicing, this will also keep your pie filling from being to thin. I hope you’ll try again. Thank you for making my recipe and being a reader at Katherines Corner. Did you see the new giveaway? Hugs!

      1. Mine came out watery as well, I had to add a little cornstarch and that thickened it up, I love trying different pie recipes. I have a couple that my grandma came up with. But this one was good.

        1. Hello Trey, thank you for trying the recipe. Baking fruit draws out the water in the fruit. A “watery” pie filling can occur if you haven’t baked the pie long enough and/or it hasn’t cooled long enough before slicing. I hope you’ll give it another try ( smile).Hugs!

          1. Yep I made another one today I did a apple cranberry pie with the same recipe as yours just add cranberries and I let it cool a little bit longer it came out perfect

  3. Very simple to make and delicious. I always mix my apple varieties. Guess what I’m getting ready to do right now?

    1. Hello Alex, everything is always better fresh. But, although I havent done it I don’t see why not. Put it in a tightly sealed freezer container and I suggest use withing 3 months. I hope you will enjoy the pie. Hugs

  4. I love your easy apple pie recipe. I made the first one and it was the best apple pie my husband and I ever tasted. I never post pictures or comments but this was so worthy. I am making four more now for my new neighbors, old neighbors, and friends. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift.

    1. Caroline what a lovely way to start my day. Your comment is like a warm hug and I am over the moon happy that you and your hubby enjoy my easy apple pie recipe. I think your friends and neighbors will enjoy it even more because you made it. Hugs!

  5. Pingback: Getting Out of Neutral!
  6. I posted on the topic too (hurray for so many of us who did because I love love love that we’re honoring our service men and women).

    And as for that recipe… I sooooo wish we were neighbors, you know. 🙂

  7. Hi!
    Thanks for stopping by on my blog!
    Your blog is very very interesting, I just love this pie recipe, I am gonna to make some 😉
    Very pleased to meet you,
    p.s. see you on your linky party!

  8. Good morning Katherin i am sooo in agreement prayer for the health wealth and happiness and joy for our Veterans in the past and those that are Veterans NOW! ALLLLL of them are such a blessing! AND SO ARE U KATHERINE!! thanks for the pie recipe! looks and sounds scrumptious! OR JUST PLAIN OLE YUMMY!:-)

  9. What a great tribute to the men and women who place their own lives on the line to protect us. I think of the sacrifices that they make on our behalf and am so very glad that our first lady, Michelle and Dr. Biden have made this one of the causes they champion…to make sure that all veterans get the proper medical treatment upon returning home and can find jobs where they can put all the experience they learned while in the military to good use.

    I was just talking to husband about making a cherry pie yesterday. Although, I might have to try the apple instead…it looks delicious! 🙂

  10. Thank you Katherine for your wonderful prayer. I join you in sending my thoughts and prayers for all the troops and their families.

    Love the recipe! Apple Pie is one of my favorites!

  11. Thank you, Katherine, for your sweet prayer and your kind thoughts. Veteran’s Day is very special to me. I can’t celebrate with my dad in law anymore, until I see him in heaven. God bless you and all of our service men and women, and our vets.

  12. Loved the prayer! I have a confession, I have never made a pie. I am going to make Pumpkin pie this year for the first time. Last year I made a Pumpkin Pudding type pie and my family said they want just a good old fashion Pie, so I am gonna try. Your apple pie sounds delicious.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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