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  1. This post made me happy 🙂 I have two puppies who dance as well. I can’t believe your pictures aren’t blurry! New follower on Bloglovin via the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop.

  2. Charlie doesn’t dance. He can turn around dance or roll over dance or dive in the pool dance but sadly that’s it. He also does a great jump dance but he’d never be allowed into dance school. He has scruffy fuzzy dog syndrome. 🙂

  3. They came out nice. It is very hard to get a not blurry pic of a moving target. I have a hard time with getting my cats focused with my cameras. My macro lens likes to get them blurry. Sometimes I have better luck with those smaller cameras.

  4. Haha, too cute! We are so behind on our decorating 🙁 I’m going out of town Friday for a business trip, so I’ve spent this whole week preparing stuff for the blog, which means we won’t have time to get a tree and decorate until two weekends from now! Yikes!

  5. I love these pictures of your happy, dancing Izzy! They remind me of my Cocker Spaniel Toto in her younger days. Toto, now 13, recently developed a cancerous tumor on her paw and underwent surgery yesterday to have a toe amputated. At her age it was a major procedure and she faces a long and painful recovery. Enjoy your wonderful pet every minute you have her, dear Katie. Your happiness is mine.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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