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  1. I think most people gain weight over the holidays, at least in England we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving too!

    Thanks for the follow, I followed you back =)

  2. Thank you for your friendship and words of encouragement when my grand daughter was in the NICU – it might have seemed like a little thing to you to leave a comment on my blog, but it was so much appreciated. I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!
    Hugs –

  3. Katherine,

    Thank you so much for sharing. I really enjoy coming by for visits and enjoy your photos, recipes and the kind words and visits to my blog as well. You are a dear and I’m glad I came across your blog!

    Happy New Year and may 2013 bring you happiness, prosperity and good health. See you in 2013!

  4. Katherine, It has been wonderful getting to know you! I love your blog, and consider you a friend. =)

    I hope you have a wonderful New Year filled with many awesome memories!

  5. Hi Katherine,
    It is great that you had an enjoyable Christmas and all the very best for 2013! I would also like to thank you for your friendship and support. I am happy that through blogging I got the opportunity to meet you. Take care. Lots of love, friendship and best wishes.

  6. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog; I only wish I’d found it sooner! I love your stuff here. You’ve inspired me in so many ways on my own blog. Thank you, thank you!

  7. hi there my dear friends…i am dropping in to say hi and to wish you and yours the most wonderful New Year ever! you are such a kind and loving soul and i want you to know how much your are loved and appreciated! i thank you for your friendship and love…sending you and yours and of course mr. IZZY big hugs!

  8. Hi Katherine! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! Katherine’s Corner is absolutely gorgeous! It’s so homey, it makes me feel like settling in, sitting down and grabbing a cup of tea! Beautiful! I followed by email! X

Love each other as God loves you xo

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