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  1. Lovely! I love topiaries. In fact, we are very similar in our when I saw you blog I had to follow because I love practically everything on here 🙂

  2. Hi Katherine,
    Are the bases candelsticks? I have some candelsticks that resemble them a lot. Love, love, love, the idea of turning them into to topiaries. Can’t wait to see your mantel. Thanks for the inspiration.


  3. I really like those! I haven’t changed anything yet. I am re-arranging some things, storing away others and will be bringing out new things soon. 😉

  4. So pretty and it is so cold and dreary here in the middle of the winter right now. So I can totally agree it is nice to see something green. Looking forward to tomorrow!!

  5. Those are fantastic! We haven’t made any changes yet, but we’re considering replacing a good portion of the carpet with hardwood. We’ll see…

Love each other as God loves you xo

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