New Topiaries
New Topiaries
I made some new topiaries for the living room mantel makeover. A Styrofoam ball some greenery and a glue gun are all you need for some new topiaries.
Have you made any changes in your home for the new year? See you tomorrow at the hop! I placed the new topiaries ( kissing balls) on top of candlesticks. But you can put them on top of pitchers and other stable stands as well. They are such an elegant accent.
Lovely! I love topiaries. In fact, we are very similar in our when I saw you blog I had to follow because I love practically everything on here
You have got my attention!! haha!
Can’t wait to see it all come together and learn the ‘how-to’s’!!
Hi Katherine,
Are the bases candelsticks? I have some candelsticks that resemble them a lot. Love, love, love, the idea of turning them into to topiaries. Can’t wait to see your mantel. Thanks for the inspiration.
Nice! Very beautiful.
You are so talented! I love it. xx
So pretty! You’re resourceful and ingenius at crafting.
They look great! Other than taking down Christmas decorations, we haven’t changed anything in the house yet. This summer we plan on remodeling our living room/kitchen space so there will be plenty of change then!
I really like those! I haven’t changed anything yet. I am re-arranging some things, storing away others and will be bringing out new things soon.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
Pretty! I love topiaries
Your new topiaries look awesome! and your site looks great!
Im working on doing some organizing for the New Year! =)
Hugs, Melissa
I think I have the same greenery sitting in my basement waiting for some inspiration. Can’t wait to see yours!!
Can’t wait to see it finished, love these.
So pretty and it is so cold and dreary here in the middle of the winter right now. So I can totally agree it is nice to see something green. Looking forward to tomorrow!!
Hi, Katie
I love these and can wait to see your mantle. Have a great week.
It looks great! I rearranged my sewing area and I’m fixing to rearrange the living room!
Those are fantastic! We haven’t made any changes yet, but we’re considering replacing a good portion of the carpet with hardwood. We’ll see…
Nice! I see you have added some of the usual Katherine bling, too.
nice to see something green