pork tenderloin recipe

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    1. Hello Dylan, the main differences between kosher salt and table salt is the shape and size of its crystals. The sodium chloride in all salts is basically the same. Although Kosher salt is free of any added iodine. Use the finer table salt or ground sea salt and save the Kosher salt for some yummy homemade pretzels, you can find them in my recipe section. Please let me know how your tenderloin turns out. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I enjoyed creation it. Hugs

  1. I love pork tenderloin. I actually have some in the freezer so I may well just try this out!

    Jordan – jbseatsandtreats.blogspot.com

  2. Pingback: Did you Make the Scene? Features from MTSM #60 - Alderberry Hill
  3. Thanks so much for linking to Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill. You are being featured tomorrow morning!
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, and join me tomorrow night for Make the Scene Monday #61!

  4. Pork tenderloin is so good. This makes it look very easy to fix too. Great pictures.

    We are hosting a new party at Tumbleweed Contessa – What’d You Do This Weekend? I’d love for you to bring this over. Grab a button and come back each Monday to see what everyone has done over the weekend.

    Have a wonderful day! Linda

  5. We had 1en of these delicious tenderloins cooked up for a recent family wedding. The groom did all the preparation, using a recipie almost identical to the one you used Katie. It was marvelous with baby potatoes and peas, covered with a thick gravy. MMMMM now I am hungry!

  6. Great recipe! We enjoy pork tenderloin at least once month. I add a side of baked apples to our pork meals too! It’s a nice change from the regular

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