We Have The Bug
Ah nuts…we have the bug, that’s right..we thought we had avoided it… but we have terrible head colds. Hubby and I are down for the count. I invite you to link your lovely blog to yesterdays hop, and/or hop around Katherines Corner a bit, visit the blogging tips page, or consider a blog makeover and don’t forget to enter the giveaway too. I hope you have a beautiful weekend. I’ll be back on Monday Hugs….sneeze…cough…cough…sneeze….oh no..so sorry, you should probably disinfect your computer area straight away I don’t want you to catch it.
ready for a blog makeover, or maybe just a new header, button etc.? I can help CLICK HERE
well I feel for you I’m sick to head and stomach been sick since tuesday nite going to the dr this morning at 10:45 by the way I love the look very inviting makes me feel a little better
Even your sick post is elegant, lol. Love this blog!! I hope you’re both feeling better really super soon, being sick is no fun a’tall.
I hope you’ll feel better soon
Have a lovely Sunday
Bug’s no good – I hope you’re fit and well very quickly!
Hi Katherine!!!
I’m so sorry to hear that you caught the bug. We’ve had it since February. My eldest son had walking pneumonia and the youngest had a really bad head cold and coughing really bad.
You never stop being a mom:)
So, I hope that your family will be on the mend. Sending ‘Get healthy vibes,’ your way!!!!!
Take care!!
Hope your feeling better ? Thanks for joining us at Welcome to the weekend hop
Feel better soon, Katherine!
Your header is beautiful.
Thank you for stopping in at my blog and leaving a comment.
So sorry, sweetie, that you two are sick.
Feel better quick!
Oh no! Feel better soon both you and hubby! Bring on the chicken soup and tea!
I hope you are better very soon and that you can enjoy the weekend in spite of being under the weather.
The flower arrangement in the photo is just lovely!
{{Hugs }}
I’m visiting from Aloha Friday. Glad to connect. Please join me on my Friday Flash Blog on The Jenny Evolution (www.thejennyevolution.com) as well and share your favorite post of the week. Happy Friday
That’s no fun! Get better soon. Hugs.
Ahh, nobody gets away from it this year. Hope you feel better soon.
We all had it too. I as sick for one month.. late Dec to January.. it was awful. Sending you get well wishes. xxx
Get well soon!
Oh, dear. I do hope you recover quickly. That is awful. I’ve avoided this so far. Take care and I recommend some chicken soup!
((HUGS)) Hope all of you feel better real soon.
I’m sorry! Hope your family feels better soon.
I hope you feel better very soon!!
I love the roses in your picture!! =)
Hi Katherine!!!
Oh, I hope you get better soon!!! We all became sick at the beginning of Feb.. My eldest son had walking pneumonia and the rest either had head colds or a chest cold/flu. Really crazy!!!!
Take care and I hope you’ll be your old self soon!!!!!
Gosh, I’m sorry you are under the weather, Katie. Please have a restful weekend and get well soon!
Feel better soon…..lots of hot tea and soup
Hope ya’ll feel better soon!
Hope you feel better!!!
Take time to rest and recover, Katie! Don’t try to get busy before you feel better and may that be very soon!
Hoping you’re back to feeling more like yourself very soon. Have a restful weekend.
I hope y’all feel better soon. My husband and I have also come down with a head cold. Yuck!
Oh feel better, sweetie.
Honestly I’m not using Google Reader that much anymore. Prefer to have my favorite blogs come right into my email – that way I’m sure not to miss anything!
I hope the two of you feel better Katherine and hoping the weekend finds you enjoying yourselves. Thinking of you!!
gosh…hope you will be better soon
Wonderful colors with exquisite flowers.