fried grits recipe

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  2. Katherine,

    Looks YUMMY! I’ll try convert to gluten/dairy free for my son and we’ll be in heaven! Thanks for the inspiration! Aloha, Lori

  3. Oh my! We usually eat garlic cheese grits, but this is one I’m going to be forced to try! I’m going to do a copy/paste, to email, so I can send this one to my kids. I’ll whip you for posting this one, later!

  4. These look FANTASTIC! My hubs would jump through hoops for these! Thanks for the recipe!

  5. This looks so good. I’ve never thought to fry grtis. I’ve served themat breakfast like mush and I’ve made Green Chile Cheese Grits casserole. (my family’s favorite) But with an egg and bacon this would be good.

    We’re having a party at Tumbleweed Contessa – What’d You Do This Weekend? I’d love it if you brought this over.
    Have a wonderful week,

  6. Your recipes are always enticing. I do love grits and this is a different way to try them. I would probably add cheese into the grits and then fresh tomato slices when serving. Oh yes, definitely bacon!

  7. Wow! I might have to try this. My hubby LOVES grits, but I could take ’em or leave ’em. This, however, looks delicious and so easy! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  8. I, too, must admit I’ve never had grits and I live in the south! LOL!! Just the name has always kept me away but after seeing your recipe, and the ingredients, I think it’s time to give it a try! Thanks for sharing!~~Angela

  9. I will admit, I live in NY and have never eaten grits before. My extent and knowledge of them sadly is from the movie My Cousin Vinny. I honestly learned something new though as to what they made from here. Thank you Katherine and wishing you a great Monday!!

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