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  1. You are off to a GREAT start…love everything there so far! I love mirrors, so that’s my vote but I’m sure whatever you come up with will be nice…can’t wait to see it!

  2. Love your Monet…I had the great pleasure of attending a Monet exhibit at our Museum of Art…I have a commemorative print from that exhibit that I treasure…I feel that you should place what you love above the mantel…if you love art, then a treasured canvas…if you love mirrors, a mirror is great as it reflects such wonderful light…and for me, I love special architectural items..items with a story…I used to have a beautiful stained glass piece over the mantel but I relocated it to the foyer and an antique wood and iron shutters went above the mantel…I love those pieces and wonder about the people in the past who also enjoyed them as I do….I am sure you will gorgeously transform your mantel with your personal signature!

  3. I say The Monet, and hubby says a mirror (and he says he’s hungry, lol).

    Your little Izzy looks cute on the couch.

  4. Hi Katherine,
    There seems to be quite a bit of a gold or mustard color in the Monet painting. I would use the colors in the picture to be the focal point of the room. It would look great to add a mirror with that color frame and make the white mantle pop. Also just an idea some throw pillows against the blue couch in this gold/mustard color would bring the eye to the mirror. I’ve also try to put small elements of black in my rooms which also enhances the theme of any color scheme. Happy Decorating.

  5. Love your mantel and I think a mirror would look lovely. I just love mirrors. For a fat lady I have so many mirrors, you would think I wouldn’t like them. I just love their reflective qualities.
    Have a great weekend, Ginger

  6. Please excuse my suggestion, the artist I mentioned has changed his style and many of his images are not suitable for your followers or your room. (I have never seen the newer works until I just googled him to see what showed up) I sincerely apologise.

  7. Whilst your Monet is a nice picture, I think it will draw peoples’ eye away from the pieces on the mantle, especially the topiaries. A simpler piece of art could work, (maybe something like a Jack Vettriano) or a mirror with a white frame to enhance the clean effect created by the white mantle and accessories.
    One thing ladies seem to overlook is that hubby might have a favourite piece that he would enjoy seeing in that place even if it is not quite to your taste.

    What ever you choose I look forward to seeing a picture of the completed room.

    One last thing, was the picture expensive, or did you “get your Monet for nothing”?

  8. I agree with the comment about a amazing Photograph, maybe one of the family …or a scenic photo that you have taken? =)

    Have a awesome weekend!

  9. I enjoy reading your posts each day. My suggestions would be to add a large mirror that goes the entire length of the mantle, and have it right down on the mantle and have it fairly tall as well. I would then suggest adding a white bookcase on each side of the mantle that runs the length of the wall and at least 2/3 as high as the fireplace. As it stands now there is too much blank space. Adding the mirror will accentuate your mantle pieces as they will reflect in the mirror, and the bookcases will add character and a cozy aspect to an otherwise blank looking space. Hope this helps. Hugs, Gayle.

  10. I have always had some print over our fireplace and it is my favorite look. Your living room looks very inviting and I think the Monet print would look really pretty there. You might have to move the topiaries to the side but I think they would look nice there too.

  11. I was thinking of a mirror but not getting one the length of your fireplace but placing a nice round mirror up there; or if you have an old window with glass panes in it, and putting family photos in each glass pane and hang. Can always change out the pictures whenever
    Could also put a large round clock up.
    Or if you want, instead of hanging something, why not just lean something up against the wall, like a large picture or even a couple of pictures.
    Maybe a flat screen plasma TV

  12. A large antique mirror would look great in that spot. I use to have a little dog that looked very much like Izzy. Her name was Lydia and I miss her so much 🙁

  13. I’m a big fan of a mirror in a small room because it just makes it look bigger but maybe that IS a big room. 🙂

  14. Hi Katherine
    I love my gifts from your giveaway earlier this year! Love the moisturizing lip balm! Look how big your party is getting!!! How do you grow it? Would love you to share a post about growing a party (and followers)!!! xo,

  15. I was thinking like SallyAnn too. Basically, when you see the perfect piece, you will know it, no matter what everyone else says. LOL

  16. Hi Katherine,

    Have you got anything that will pull some of the colors out of that gorgeous Monet? That would tie everything together nicely, don’t you think?

    Love those green topiaries, and Izzy is sooo cute.

    Have a lovely day.

  17. Hi Katie – yes, it needs something. Perhaps a mirror with an ornate frame which you’ve shabbier or a couple of shutters with a boxwood wreath. A painting with some seascapes would also be nice to tie in the white pieces (one is a seahorse I think). Whatever you do, I’m sure that it will work.

    Or you could be like me and change things up from season to season – a light mirror in spring/summer, different wreaths for fall and Christmas and a wintery farm scene in the winter.

  18. Ok, I would say definitely a piece of artwork or even something more reflective of your family. I recently found a store online that did personalized plaques with family and sayings called Rendi Style. You should definitely give them a look. They have some really pretty stuff and quite reasonable, too. Have a great weekend and hope you figure it out soon!! 🙂

  19. Hi Katherine!, you have a lovely living room! it looks so homey!… The mirror is a good idea, I love mirrors and also I think it be nice if you had a small center table (my English is not perfect) like the in the middle of the living room, I don’t know if I make sense. lol.

    I would be so cool if you could join my Link Party on Sundays and the Pin Hop on Thursdays.

    Hope you are having a lovely day

    Cami @ TitiCrafty by Camila

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