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  1. Congratulations to Rosey– Wonderful news that your Mom is coming! There is not much better than seeing and hugging your Mom after time apart—Whoo Hoo!! and I love french toast

  2. thanks for the recipe.
    Lots of times I will make my French toast mixture day before and refrigerate it and bake it the next morning. Saves time,especially when having overnight guests. It’s already made up to where you just pop in the oven and bake

  3. Do you know , I have never made french toast? When I s a kid, I wasn’t a huge fan, so I haven’t really tried again.

    This looks delicious though!

    I have pinned. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. My mother used to make this for me, too. Since my dad did most of the cooking, it was always a special treat. Dad didn’t make French toast, he always made eggs, biscuits, bacon and gravy.

  5. We love French toast in our house. It qualifes as Real Food when we use our whole wheat bread and pure maple syrup. So good! It freezes great too so I make a batch on the weekend and then freeze for quick breakfasts for the week. We just pop it in the toaster to warm it up. Thanks for making me hungry. You are so good at that!

  6. It’s one of our favourites too! My father used to make it for us and we would have it with sprinkled with lemon and granulated sugar – he used to say that’s how they ate it in France when he was there in the 40’s. I make it now for my stepson who loves it sprinkled with icing sugar.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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