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  1. I love the pink bird, and the bracelet, but actually the entire giveaway is so awesome. thanks for the chance. i look forward to your monthly giveaways! They are always so nice!!

  2. I’m interested in the figurine for one small granddaughter and the bracelet for the other. We have tea parties and I’d use the bird on the table and we dress with hats and pearls on all of us girls .

  3. What a lovely and feminine giveaway! It is hard to pick just one, but I do think the little pink bird is so sweet. Ypu are such a sweetheart to do these giveaways for us, thank you!

  4. Pingback: Our First Pick » Katherines Corner
  5. Well, I really like more than one item! The perfume, the silver frame, the pink manicure set! (My daughter and I played “Salon” today and I painted her nails for the first time)

    SO, I guess the pink manicure set!

    Thanks so much!


  6. Thanks Katherine for hosting this fun giveaway, I dont usually participate in them but “I did this one” you make them fun and I would like to win the Manicure Kit, love pink!! Wishing you well with your day!
    Karren H

  7. Arcadian designs perfume sampler pack with Grace, Secret Garden adn Aletheia sounds wonderful and bet it smells great..

  8. I think that I am excited to win the very pretty bracelet with the heart and white beads is very pretty..

  9. Totally awesome giveaway, but won’t enter since I won last month, I would like to give someone else a chance to win and not be too greedy here!! Have a great weekend, Katie!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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