sleeping schapso dog in the sun photograph

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  1. It’s a sweet post. I’ve just seen this awesome photo of Izzy on Megan’s “Brag abou It”
    Izzy is simply adorable, but I guess you know it 🙂 🙂

  2. I wanted to let you know that I loved this post! I’m Featuring YOU on VMG206 ~ Brag About It Tuesday’s Linky Party from last week! We go live Monday at Midnight. So please stop by and grab a Feature Button and Link Up something new.
    I have also pinned your project to VMG206’s Brag About It Features . I can’t wait to see what you’ve been working on this week!
    ~ Megin ofvmg206

  3. Katherine – we love Izzy – he is sooooo cute!

    So glad you linked up with us at the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT Link and Hop

    Thanks so much for linking back to BeBetsy. We appreciate it.

    Have a great weekend~xoxo
    Sharon and Denise!

  4. Well, it must have worked out alright, he still looks ADORABLE and both of you seem to have survived. I know how you feel about trusting someone else to care for your loved one.

  5. I bathe my Macie every Sunday. I brush her every day. She has such a thick and long coat that every summer I have her professional groomed and cut because it is so hot here in the valley in Los Angeles. It is a treat to have her professionally done because it is expensive.

  6. Katherine
    Izzy is a doll! Of course he’s sleeping and seems to be an angel right now, lol! The pic turned out great. It’s so nice to have great pic’s of our pets. I have a Bichon Frise and my guy is a groomer; we even have a grooming room in our home! So our fluff looks great all the time.
    Thank you so much for Linking Up at Brag About It @VMG206 this week. We are so happy to have you join us!
    ~ Megin
    Please Link Up at my NEW party!! Open NOW (Sat thru Fri) DIY Showcase Link Party

    1. Sorry! That link to the DIY Showcase wasn’t working. I’ve fixed it below. Hope you stop by!
      ~ Megin ofVMG206
      Please Link Up at my NEW party!! Open NOW (Sat thru Fri) DIY Showcase Link Party

  7. When I had small dogs like Izzy I did all the grooming. And sometimes you could tell – lol… I always thought they were cute, but a fresh haircut made them as cute as a button. I can’t think of a better place to rest than in a nice warm sunny spot 🙂

  8. They always look so good when they come home from the groomer. I used to have 2 Cocker Spanials and I would take them to the groomer and they’d always come home looking like they lost a little weight (so much fur removed) and oh so cute with some little bow or kerchief around their necks. My current dogs are very small with relatively short fur so I just bathe them myself. But I used to be picky about who groomed them, after all, they were my babies. Izzy looks sweet.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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