shabby chic roses at Katherines Corner

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  1. Some of it all seems so complicated. I try to do my best and learn new things when I can. Thanks for all your great tips Katherine! Thanks for sharing this week @Tuesdays with a Twist. xxoo

  2. I came over from Southern Lovely. Pinned your blog help. I always go to the comments – I then comment to those that commented.

  3. I hate my hair most every time I get it cut. I think it’s me because I’ve had heaps of different stylists and I feel the same on every one. My hair is curly and I think I always look like one on of those metal pot scrubbers.

  4. Congrats on the feature (and what a great model you had!). 🙂

    My hair grows back so slow so I really, really hate a bad haircut. 😉

  5. Great tip Katherine, thank you! Many of my posts are under 100 words so that’s definitely something to think about for future write-ups. Congrats on your feature 🙂

  6. Thanks for the tips! 100 words is no problem for me! I tend to be chatty. Saw you at the Brag About it Tuesday Link up. Hope you will stop by the Friday Follow Along, you can still link up from last Friday or wait until this Friday! Hope to see you there.leahinspired

  7. Katherine –

    Have we told you lately just how much we love your blog- your writing is always so wonderful – WE LOVE IT! and were grateful for a dear friendship.

    Thanks for sharing on BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT

    The very best to you-
    Sharon and Denise

  8. I have no problem with having at least 100 words on my blog, I don’t think I can talk in under 100 words! LOL

  9. Good tips! I also have a SEO plugin that tells me everything – really easy for my blonde moments. I’m still learning and trying to grow my blog, but know just time and not really focusing toooo much energy (but not too little either, lol) and eventually hopefully I’ll get there. Sorry about your hair fiasco! 🙁 That’s no fun, but at least like you said, hair grows pretty fast, and I’m sure you’ll be donning a look you just love soon! 🙂

  10. I actually have an SEO plugin installed that will tell me how many words I have typed and help with all sort s of SEO related issues, such as Keywords and such. So, I know you are totally right about this from using that for awhile now. Thanks though for sharing and Happy Tuesday!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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