Family Portrait
Family Portrait
I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend. I’m just popping in to say hello and I am soooo very happy my hubby is home. Sharing a selfie family portrait♥
I need longer arms to take quick snapshots like this one. Our youngest grandson says he has “go go gadget arms” I may need to borrow them ( inspector gadget cartoon) .
I hope those of you in the US enjoyed the fourth of July celebration. We kept it low key and actually watched the Macys fireworks (in New York) on the television.We also barbecued our favorite ribs too.
I hope you will take a few minutes to link up to the Thursday Favorite Things hop ( it’s open all weekend this week). Remember when I mentioned my bad haircut. I went and had it redone. You can get a better look at it HERE
Did you barbecue this weekend? Did you watch the fireworks in your neighborhood?
You guys look adorable!! Hope you all had a wonderful 4th July weekend!
GREAT picture, such a pretty family!!!!
Great photo. I looooooove icing. Sometimes I’ll throw the cupcake in for a little variety , lol.
What a great muffin mantra!! I love the family picture.
Great photo!! Longer arms would come in useful for many of my photos, but I guess that is what I get for being short.
Love the family picture!! =)
You look fabulous!
Cute! Looks like Izzy was a little camera shy for that shot.
I’m going to remember that tip about cupcakes.
Such a sweet photo!
Izzy is the cutest dog ever. What a lovely family portrait.
Loved that picture of you and your hubby. So glad he is home now and sounds like you had a lovely 4th of July. And you made me smile on the Inspector Gadget reference, because my brother loved the cartoon when he was a kid back int he 80s. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend, Katie!
What a wonderful picture of you and your husband – you both look radiant. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
You all look Fabulous darling! ; ) What a great way to start the day seeing your smiling faces…even though you and hubby look spectacular…you know that Izzy just steals the show…always : ) LOL!!!! sending you hugs and love and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers : )
Handsome hubby and adorable Izzy and hey, girl… I can almost see that haircut!