wind chime crystals

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  1. I wrote a poem that I wanted to title “On Winds Of Chime”. I didn’t want to copy someone else’s title so did a quick search and found it original. However, I ran across your “Wind Chime” and read it. Beautiful. I’ve read many recently written poems and I give your “Wind Chime” 5 stars. Well done.

  2. I love the sound of wind chimes, especially as you describe. That soft and lovey fairy garden tinkling melody. What a lovely way to start your day, and a great reminder to greet it with a smile.

  3. Wow! Look at your beautiful wind chimes Katie! The ;poem is so lovely. Guess what?! I added my Scarlet Macaw wind chime to your Thursday Favourite Things Hop. I have just come home after a very stressful morning and the chimes are music to my ears right now!

  4. What a beautiful wind chime – and a beautiful poem, Katherine! I have a wind chime made from shells which is very boho looking hanging on my back porch. And of course, one of my newly created Wind Catchers with tiny Moroccan bells on it on my front porch! 🙂 xoxo laurie

  5. A very pretty wind chime Katie, your yard is probably filled with prettiness!
    My wind chime does not have the god looks of yours but has a fantastic sound, the metal chimes are small but tuned, they resonate for a long time. It is very nice to sleep with the bedroom window open and hear it’s melody at night in those moments when you are drifting in and out of sleep. (or in my case when sleeping after my night shift).
    A traditional Saskatchewan wind chime is made from empty beer cans!!!!!

  6. these are so beautiful! I absolutely love the dragonfly one! that is just awesome. We have several wind chimes as well. Took photos, been meaning to post about them, then of course, get side tracked. But I love the sound… Happy Wednesday to you my friend.

  7. Love the pics, and the cute wind chimes. I too am a fan of wind chimes, and am always looking for unique ones. We live in an apt right now so we can only have one but it has a metal butterfly on it that’s on a spring so it bounces up and down. my daughter and I both love it!

  8. I bet they do sound pretty. We considered chimes this year but never did find ones we liked. It’s harder to find the perfect ones than I thought!

  9. Katie, I laughed out loud when I read the name of this post. Why? Well, we have many sets of wind chimes in different sizes and compositions and had most of them hanging outside when we first moved here but the almost-constant winds — WINDS, not breezes — would get those chimes to making a racket rather than a beautiful noise! And one of my FMS symptoms is extreme sensitivity to so many things, including sounds.

    We learned that our town of Chino Valley is named after the Chinook winds, which originally meant a warming wind from the ocean into the interior regions of the Pacific Northwest due to certain formations of air masses. However, here they are just present every single day.

    So now all of our wind chimes are hanging in various places inside, where they softly chime whenever the A/C or heat is running.

    Blessings to you!

  10. How lovely and feminine your wind chimes are! We used to have one of those long wooden sets but the cords all broke and I couldn’t figure out how to re-tie them. I loved that long slow sound they made. Right now all we have is a small tinkling set which hardly makes any sound because of where it’s located at the moment. Guess I should move it -lol.

  11. I love wind chimes and have a lovely tubular one hanging outside the kitchen window. I can always tell which direction the breeze, or wind, is blowing from or if there is no breeze at all. I have another wind chime, smaller, that makes a tinkling sound, on the shed. Your wind chime is very beautiful. A lovely poem too. Blessings, Pamela

  12. Absolutely gorgeous shots of your wind chimes. We brought back one for my parents from our honeymoon in the Bahamas and our younger daughter fell in love with it and makes me tap it if it isn’t moving or making noise just to hear the sounds!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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